How to Manage Your Schedule + Calendar (for maximum productivity)

Have you ever found yourself wishing for a few extra hours in the day?

Do you often feel like your schedule is more of a whirlwind than a well-organized plan?

We've all been there!

In the fast-paced world we live in, effective time and calendar management can be a game-changer.

It's not just about squeezing more tasks into your day, but about optimizing your time to focus on what truly matters.

Easier said than done sometimes, right? 🤪

If you've ever felt like your calendar is running the show, rather than you being in control, then this blog post is tailor-made for you.

So go pour yourself another cup and let's get into it, shall we?

1. Make Space

One of the most important things to keep in mind when it comes to your schedule, is to make space.

If you have a completely jam-packed schedule full of meetings every day, Monday through Friday, and something comes up that needs your attention...when are you going to fit that in?

By eliminating extra space in your schedule, it also prevents you from being able to really get into some deeper, high-level creative thinking.

Inevitably what happens is, if you have 1 hour to work on things between meetings, chances are you aren't going to get into flow state (where you're super hyper-focused and in the zone).

More than likely you are going to be constantly thinking about the next thing you have to go to, and all that mental ping pong prevents you from being able to really get anything done.

So the best solution? Make sure to leave space for these projects. Which also takes us to point number 2...

2. Make Time

Your calendar isn't just for meetings and appointments. It's time to block out space for work, too.

Here's the truth -

If you look at your calendar and see a bit open space on Friday, chances are, by the time Friday rolls around you will have filled that space with a lot of other things. Which means that big project is going to keep getting pushed to the next day, week, month, and before you know it, WAY too much time has passed without making any progress.

Versus, if you plan ahead, and block out 2 hours to work on that project, you will have the accountability to get closer to accomplishing your goals.

3. Prioritize, first

How often do you wake up and just START doing something, without any real plan or intention?

Not only does this scatter-shot style of work inhibit your productivity, you're also probably getting caught up in the weeds working on "busy" work, instead of needle-moving things your business really needs.

Don't get addicted to putting out fires.
Don't just wake up and go.
Make a plan.

Start every day taking a few minutes to look over your to-do list, projects, etc., and prioritize your top items you want to focus on that day.

Wrangling your schedule and reclaiming your time is within your grasp! It's time to shift gears and make space for what truly matters.

Remember, the key lies in finding balance and setting intentions.

So, as you embark on this journey towards a more purposeful schedule, don't forget to carve out room for creativity, lock in those focused work sessions, and prioritize with purpose.

Here's to taking charge of your schedule and reclaiming your time.

Need Some Tips for Crafting Your Task List?

Check out this blog for tips on how to create your To-Do list

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