Frequently asked questions

Frequently asked questions

Are you an OBM? How are you services different than a VA?

Where are services differ from Online Business Managers, VA’s and Project Managers is we actually aren’t in the day-to-day of your business. I won’t work with your clients directly, or manage your inbox every morning. We sit a bit higher level, strategic-thinking hat on.

We’ll set up the right tools, systems, and processes, to create a strong foundation that then empowers and supports our clients to scale to bringing in the right team to help support them! Or help an already established team work much more smoothly and efficiently.

Do you work with established teams?

Yes, I do! We’ve got experience working with client’s and teams of all sizes, including Project Managers, Assistants, and Juniors.

Can you recommend the best systems for my business?

Absolutely. Part of our work together will be finding the right tools that support you and your business. Not Jim’s. Not Sally’s. Yours.

Think of me as a fiduciary of the systems world - I won’t recommend it if you don’t need it.

What do your services cost?

We offer a wide range of services for the DIY budget and the Done-For-You budget, with strategy sessions starting at $697.

Check out our Full Service Guide, or our Templates and References to learn more.