How to: Stop Saying I’m Too Busy

Reminder: You have time to do everything you want to do.

And I know you’re reading this rolling your eyes at me like “Rachael you’re crazy, I can’t do it all”⁣⁣. 

You’re absolutely right. You can’t. No one can. Stick with me.

Prioritizing What’s Important

What we spend our time on, what we actually do in our day, we are saying this activity is important and I’m prioritizing it.

⁣⁣⁣⁣Anything else that we “don’t have time for” – working out, time off, starting that side hustle…we are actively making a choice that it’s just not a priority. ⁣⁣

For years I told myself that I just didn’t have enough time in the day to get everything I wanted to done. There’s too much and I’m way too overwhelmed to accomplish everything. Does this sound familiar?

The truth is, if something really matters, we make time for it. And if something keeps getting put to the side, but it’s something we know deep down we want to work on, maybe we need to reassess where we are spending our time.

What To Say Instead of “I’m Too Busy” ?

The next time something gets pushed or delayed, instead of saying “I didn’t have time”, trying saying “It wasn’t a priority” , and see how that shifts your view.

And the best part about this shift is the work we can do moving forward to make this a new habit.

Now, when something doesn’t get done, take a sec to think and ask yourself:⁣⁣

→ Is this really important to me?⁣⁣
→ What am I prioritizing instead of this?⁣⁣
→ Am prioritizing my time correctly?⁣⁣

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